Congratulations to William who received a 1+ (With Honors) in the Richardson Music Teachers Association Sonatina/Sonata Festival, February 26th. He played Sonata, Op.2, No.1, 1st movement, by Ludwig van Beethoven.
Congratulations to Victor who received a 1+ (With Honors) in the Richardson Music Teachers Association Sonatina/Sonata Festival, February 26th. He played Sonatina in G, 1st movement, by William Gillock.

Congratulations to Savannah who received a 1 (Superior) in the Richardson Music Teachers Association Sonatina/Sonata Festival, February 26th. She played Sonatina in F Major, 1st movement, by Dennis Alexander.
Congratulations to Clare who received her 15 point Trophy in the Richardson Music Teachers Association Sonatina/Sonata Festival, February 26th. She played Sonatina in Eb Major, Op.20, No.6, 1st Movement, by Jan Ladislav Dussek.